Automated control system for rearing young animals

Project Solution:

The company carries out its production activities in the field of agriculture, namely in the field of animal husbandry – raising cattle, horses, goats and poultry. In order to expand the list of products, the Customer decided to organize the breeding of Amur carp by the intensive method (in artificially created conditions). This method involves the growth of juveniles from the larval stage to the fry in specialized bathtubs (fish tanks), followed by transfer of fry to cages, where fry are grown to a 10-gram sample and released into the reservoir, where the fry are further grown to a commercial sample by the extensive method (in in vivo). To implement these technologies for the reproduction of juvenile fish, the automated control system was designed and put into operation by the process of reproduction and support of the livelihoods of juvenile fish.

Project Setting:

  • design and manufacture of devices for rearing young fish, including:
    • bottom drainage;
    • pontoon line with cages;
    • baths for rearing juveniles.
  • development and manufacture of an automated life support system for bathtubs for rearing juveniles;
  • development of design documentation.

Project Result:

ACS life support is provided with autonomous signaling (light and acoustic). Alarm means receive power from storage batteries in the event of a power outage and in case of failure of the main pump and / or compressor. ACS life support is made in the form of a control cabinet and has controls for turning on and off pumps and compressors both individually and jointly and controls for alarm devices.

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